Delete Words from Dictionary on iPhone/iPad [HowTo]

Today I faced some trouble using iPhone's auto-correction once the dictionary had some misspelled words on it and wasn't using the right words to correct my typing.

So, as I believe many of you might face the same problem as I did, I'll tell you how to delete words from iPhone dictionary.

Turn Off Auto-Rotation on iPhone/iPad [HowTo]

I have my iPhone 4 since 2 November and I got annoyed by its' auto-rotation feature, once I use to text in bed - the screen was always turning around, how annoying is that?

Let's stop babbling and just get to the point...

Follow these steps to turn an iDevice's auto-rotation off:

Use MP3 as Ringtone on iPhone/iPad [HowTo]

Using my favorite music as ringtone on iPhone 4 has been a headache for me, but I figured it out!
Don't worry, I'll tell you how to do it.

Permanently Delete Facebook Account [HowTo]

So, you just created a new account or simply wanna delete your Facebook account.
You click on Deactivate account but nothing happens. Now you wonder «what the hell happened to delete account link?!».