SMS, Mail, Missed Calls Icon in Status Bar on iPhone/iPad [HowTo]

It's a well known fact that Apple has the best tech devices out there, but even the best has flaws. One of Apple's iPhone biggest flaws is that there aren't SMS, missed calls, email icons on the status bar.

Well, I recently found a way to get those icons on it and working perfectly right.
Note: Your iPhone must be jailbroken in order to do this.
Follow these steps.


Step 1: Open Cydia.

Step 2: Search for OpenNotifier.

Step 3: Tap and install it.

Step 4: Respring your iPhone.

Step 5: Open Settings and scroll down until you find OpenNotifier.

Step 6: Now just choose the settings such as which symbol you want to show up for which app.
(Example: You can choose among an envelope, an exclamation point, a handset and speech bubble icon for SMS)
Note: You have to respring your iPhone for it to apply any changes you make.


That's it.
Try it out, test it and let me know if you've got any question or if it doesn't work for you.

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